
Orthopedic mattresses SARA

The bed is one of the most amazing inventions of all time. During sleep, a person is able to regenerate up to 90% of his physical and mental strength. Choosing the right mattress has a decisive effect on whether you wake up rested and full of energy in the morning. For healthy sleep and perfect relaxation, we offer orthopedic slatted mattresses SÁRA Basic, SÁRA Klasik, SÁRA Komfort, SÁRA Spirit and SÁRA Boxspring.

Guide to choosing a mattress

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Porovnání matrací SARA Basic SARA Classic SARA Komfort SARA Spirit Sára Boxspring
Cena od: 397 € 531 € 649 € 631 € 802 €
Vhodné pro*: děti, mládež, běžce, vytrvalostní sportovce, aktivní lidi dospělé a lidi s bolestmi zad dospělé, seniory a lidi s otlačeninami nebo bolestmi kloubů all do postelí boxspring a milovníky luxusu
Total height: 15 cm 17 cm 22 cm 17 nebo 22 cm 25 nebo 30 cm
Potahy: Cotton
Moderní design: Cross Icon Cross Icon Cross Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon
Obnovitelné komponenty a možnost změny konfigurace: Green Check Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon
Snadno kolem celé matrace snímatelný a pratelný potah: Green Check Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon
Možnost měnit pouze svrchní díl potahu (př. v létě chladivý potah, v zimě warm): Cross Icon Cross Icon Cross Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon
Možnost změnit výšku matrace (pomocí podložky ERGOFLEX and zipového mezikusu): Cross Icon Cross Icon Cross Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon
Doporučený typ roštu: s pevnými latěmi (všechny rošty JELÍNEK) s pevnými latěmi (všechny rošty JELÍNEK) s pevnými latěmi (všechny rošty JELÍNEK) s pevnými latěmi (všechny rošty JELÍNEK) s pevnými latěmi a bez polohování (pevné rošty JELÍNEK)
Rozměry na míru (po centimetrech): Green Check Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon
Partner double mattress (jedna matrace šířky 140 cm a více): Green Check Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon Green Check Icon

*vždy také záleží na konkrétní konfiguraci výšky matrace, váhové kategorie, roznášecí vrstvy a potahu

Do you want to wake up feeling rested in the morning?

So sleep well and well! We spend a third of our lives sleeping, and its quality is also reflected in the remaining two.

See how the SÁRA mattress can help you sleep well.

The SÁRA mattress has already helped more than 200,000 people to sleep healthy and comfortably.

The SÁRA mattress is like a jigsaw puzzle

Each of our orthopedic slatted mattresses consists of three basic parts. Each component is replaceable, so you can easily change the configuration or restore the life of the mattress.

Orthopedic slats grate

The basis of each of our mattresses is orthopedic slats grate composed of beech slats and three longitudinal beams, which we produce for weight categories up to 60 kg, 60-80 kg, 80-110 kg and over 110 kg.

Spreading layer

It lies on the orthopedic slats grate spreading layer (foam), which affects the surface softness of the mattress. You can choose from several spreading layers with different properties and choose the one that will be most convenient for you.

Removable cover

The whole mattress is "wrapped" in removable washable cover. All our covers are stitched with an anti-allergic layer for maximum hygiene.

Maximum breathability and hygiene

The human body sweats up to one liter of sweat overnight, which must be absorbed somewhere. If it is not absorbed, you will overheat at night. And not only that! Mold will form in the mattress, mites and bacteria will multiply. Even if you weren't allergic, you definitely don't want this.

We have perfected the breathability of our mattress. The SÁRA mattress breathes. The orthopedic lamellar grid that forms the core of the mattress is full of air. When the sleeping position changes, the mattress pumps new air into itself and thus creates a dry and clean environment that helps the body's proper thermoregulation.*

*the SÁRA mattress works best when placed on a firm, breathable base, such as a slatted grid with gaps between the slats

Relaxation of the spine and nervous system

The orthopedic lamellar grid can sufficiently firmly and sensitively copy the shape of the body in any position, properly support it, perfectly relax and stretch it.
When sleeping on the side, the axis of the spine remains straight , when lying on the back in its natural, physiologically curved shape. This leads to better blood circulation of the intervertebral discs and overall relaxation of the nervous system.

Long life and renewable components

We are thinking of you and nature. That is why we take care to choose high-quality materials with a long service life. High-quality cold HR or latex foams, beech slats and all covers will serve you for many years.

Not only will we make your mattress to measure, you can also replace the individual components with new ones at any time and thereby extend the life of your mattress even further.

Replacement components
Money back guarantee

What if my mattress doesn't fit?

We rely on your sleep to be quality and without compromises ! We know it takes time to get used to a new mattress. And that's why we give you the opportunity to try our mattresses in the comfort of your own home for up to 101 nights with a money-back guarantee.

More about the guarantee