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Tips and tricks 10 principles of healthy sleep
Feb. 2017

10 principles of healthy sleep

Good sleep is an important basis of our energy and good mood during the day. It is also very closely related to our good health. So if you want to feel comfortable while relaxing and at the same time really relax well, it is important to follow a few principles of healthy sleep.

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Tips and tricks How to choose a mattress
Oct. 2014

How to choose a mattress

Healthy and comfortable sleep has a very positive impact on our psyche and physical condition. For example, if you suffer from back problems, there is no better investment than buying a new mattress. But how to choose the right mattress so that we are really happy with it?

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Tips and tricks Why buy a mattress protector?
Aug. 2014

Why buy a mattress protector?

The mattress we sleep on is constantly exposed to various impurities, mites and bacteria. This is mainly due to the fact that we sweat during sleep. Sweat can soak deep into the mattress and decompose there. As a result, unwanted microbes are formed and the mattress can also start to smell unpleasant.

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Tips and tricks How to prevent mites from multiplying in your bed?
Jul. 2014

How to prevent mites from multiplying in your bed?

Although it may not seem so, every bed can very easily become a refuge for many bacteria and mites. This is mainly due to the fact that these small microorganisms thrive especially in moisture, heat and also where they have enough food in the form of detached scales of human skin. For these reasons, mites are most common in mattresses and bedding.

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The values on which we base ourselves

Why should you buy furniture from us

Made in Wallachia

We continue the family tradition and artisanal handwork since 1897.

Quality and sustainability

Our solid wood furniture will last for generations.

Human touch and handwork

Each of our products passes through the hands of dozens of people.

We understand healthy sleep

For 30 years, we have been manufacturing customized SÁRA orthopedic slatted mattresses.

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From interior design to own transport and assembly throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia.